Circuit Clerk
The 7th Judicial Circuit Court of Clay County, Missouri, welcomes Jo Ellen Jung as the new Circuit Clerk Supervisor.
Circuit Clerk FAQ
Is anyone entitled to closed records?
No - Only the subject of the closed case, parties of the case, or the attorney of record may have access.
If I have a specific question about a specific type of case - Accounting, Child Support, Civil, Criminal, Probate, and Traffic cases - how do I find that information?
Refer to the website page under Offices (Circuit Clerk) and each department has it's own information along with frequently asked questions to help guide you.
If I want public records about a case prior to 7-1-23 and casenet does not provide enough information how do I request that information?
You may fax your request to 816-407-3899 with case numbers and identifiers along with returning information. Contacting your attorney for a copy may expedite the process.
These requests are processed in order they are received and could take extended time frames to fulfill based upon workload demands.